Well Being & Gender Scan

Well Being & Gender Scan - £80

Between 15-24 Weeks

At this scan we will check the growth of the baby (further details of how this is achieved can be found on the FAQ page), and should you wish to know we can try to determine the baby’s GENDER. Whilst our sonographers have an excellent record in determining the gender – currently 100% success rate, this is a professional opinion. Very rarely it is not possible to determine the gender at this scan. This scan does NOT replace the anomaly scan (offered at around 20 weeks) by the NHS.

**Gender assessment guarantee**

If we are unable to see the gender, we will rescan free of charge.

**You must be over 15 or more weeks with a BMI of less than 30, or at least 16 week if your BMI is 30 or above. The gender assessment guarantee applies as long as you attend on time, with a full bladder and have a BMI below 40. You must also bring your NHS pregnancy notes with you.

What's included
Extra Options
About This Scan

If you are 15-18 weeks pregnant, a full bladder is ESSENTIAL for this scan. After 20 weeks you will not need to have a full bladder. This appointment will last for 30 minutes, and you can expect up to 20 minutes of scanning time

Please note :

  • Please note that although we will try our best to obtain the complimentary 4D sneak peak it cannot be guaranteed. Factors such as the baby’s position and maternal build can affect the image obtained. We are unable to offer a free rescan of the 4D sneak peak.
  • If you need to cancel your appointment please give us as much notice as possible.

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01424 230297

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07896 774924

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Give Us A Call Or Send Us A Message To Book

If booking Mon-Fri between 9-5 we will call you within the hour to confirm your scan appointment. If booking outside of clinic hours we will call you back as soon as possible the following day.